

Saturday, 25 June 2016

4 Makeup Tips from a Lazy Girl // Beauty

I love watching YouTube videos about people's daily make up routines, what they're loving at the moment and the latest trends/techniques. But when it comes to actually doing any of it, I just don't!

I'm suck in this weird place where I really want to look cute/put-together/flawless which does require makeup but also (especially on weekdays) would way prefer the extra 15 mins in bed. And I know Beyoncé says ‘I woke up like this’, but honey - some of us do need some help.

It has taken me much longer than I care to admit to master make up in minutes considering my lazy-gal status, but here are some lazy girl makeup essentials I've picked up along the way:

1. Foundation

If you watch as much YouTube as I do, you'll recognise this sponge as its v trendy atm for contouring etc, but also effing handy for getting slap on your face ASAP. The one I use is the Real Techniques Miracle Complexion Sponge. Just a few pumps of foundation, blend all over and you are literally done! Also no foundation-y hand issues! Perfect.


2. Blush

I was given something similar to this 'Everything Stick' by my housemate at does PR for Topshop, and I’m literally hooked. I also have a similar ‘Posie Tint’ from Benefit, so I basically rotate between these (the Benefit one is a brighter pinker, so if you’re more tanned or it’s summer it's really nice). You basically just stripe it across your cheeks and lips and blend. It literally takes seconds, and you’re done!

3. Eyebrows

This is probably a terrible confession, but I don’t pluck my eyebrows (another lazy girl burden to bear, I can’t be doing any beauty treatments to myself that are going to hurt!) so colouring them in a bit every morning really helps distract from this fact. This 'l'Oreal Brow Artist Shaper' is great as it has a brush which I do before to get everything in line, and after to hopefully blend any mistakes. PLUS, Doutzen Kroes apparently uses it (Advertisers dream? Moi!?), so if's good enough for a Victoria Secret model its good enough for me.

4. Bronzer

Like a year ago saw this picture so just started doing this. Apparently this is how you bronze! My main bronzer tip when buying is don’t get one with sparkles in, the whole idea behind lazy make up is not to look like you’re wearing any as it's not supposed to be complicated, and a glittery face kinda gives it away.

So that is basically a brief summary of the products I have found help me do my makeup the quickest, and with the least mistakes! I only hope I have somehow helped my fellow lazy-gals gain an extra 10 in bed.

If you have any makeup tips that don't involve having a master's degree in Special Effects makeup, I'd love to hear them in the comments below :)

Twitter: @EllyMSmith
Instagram: @ellemsmith90

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