

Thursday, 9 June 2016

Throwing Someone Else a Party // Events

I’ve been wanting to write this blog for SO LONG, but since it was a damn secret I’ve had to wait until now.

Recently myself and my co-bridesmaid threw our beloved friend Anja and her fiancé Sergio a festival-theme semi-surprise engagement party. Semi-surprise in that they knew the day it was happening, but that was it.

So I’ve put together a few things that we were thinking about when throwing a party for someone else, and what we did to make it a spectacular and special night (hopefully!).

1. Theme

I personally believe that most parties should have a theme, as it means you have direction for the décor and food - plus, DRESS UP. We didn’t extend out theme to the dress, but chose 'Festival' because the couple got engaged at Shambala. A theme is also a good way to make it personal to the couple you are throwing the party for

2. Venue

I think it is important the location reflects the tastes of who the party is for, not necessarily the organiser (we’ve also see Don’t Tell the Bride...). Take a moment to consider whether they are more refined reception or rowdy rave and I'm sure it will be appreciated.

The theme of this party being festival meant an outside venue would be first choice - however, being May this would have been risky business. Instead we opted for a bar in Hoxton which oozed Shamballa-vibes from every pore.

3. Decor

The décor is another chance to really go for the theme, and you can throw in a few personal touches ,like our pièce de résistance - a unicorn piñata - as the bride-to-be was wearing a unicorn headband at the proposal. The festival theme meant we opted for a mish mash of different bunting and balloons, with tealights wherever we could safely squeeze them in.

PINTEREST is probably the greatest piece of advice I can give to anyone trying to decorate for a party, as there are so many creative and unique ideas on there.


4. Food

Food is ALWAYS important, but especially at a party when people are drinking. We had to go all vegan for the bride to be, but found a v helpful ‘Accidentally Vegan Snack Foods’ article and just went to town on that.

I am also a big fan of serving food in unusual vessels - like a giant vase of popcorn or mason jars of marshmallows. However instead of eating an insane amount of jam the week before to get a jar collection together - look around the house at what you’ve already got. Baked Bean tins with the labels taken off can look quite rustic and cute with a bit of ribbon, but make sure to sand down any sharp bits from the lid!

5. Favours

We decided to do ‘food favours’ in the form of bags of popcorn with ‘He popped the question’ stickers on as we knew there would be some pun fans in attendance. These were easy and cheap to make (managed to get everything form Amazon) - and even easier to eat.

Hopefully you've picked up a few tips from this, or at least now have some direction as to where to start when planning your next soirée!

Instagram: @ellemsmith90
Twitter: @EllyMSmith
Pinterest: Elly Smith

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