

Sunday, 3 July 2016

Rose & Violet Everything // Fashion

This blog was inspired by a recent Pin I saw by The Debrief UK, on the latest colours Pinterest were going crazy for. Here's their mood board from the article, prepare to fall in love:

Not only did this provide me with some delicious interior porn (it's a thing), but also made me realise that my entire 'Saved for Later' on ASOS were these exact colours. So I've put together a list of pics and links of my top Debrief inspired Rose and Violet pieces. Can you tell I'm in the market for a new slip dress!?

I think these colours go beautifully together and are great for springs/summer (if we ever get one - get it together weather!). Plus, if you can match your outfit to your house - even better. Don't mind me while I go and paint my walls to match my nails.

Instagram: @ellemsmith
Twitter: @EllyMSmith

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