

Tuesday, 31 January 2017

Painting the Pink City Red // Jaipur, India

Jaipur is probably the most colourful city we have visited in India so far. The fact that it has a central area where everything is painted terracotta (hence the 'Pink City') obviously adds to this, but Jaipur had some of the most beautiful and vibrant markets we have seen so far.

Although we did visit a lot of the heritage sites, it was the markets and other less official, religious or historical sites that were our favourites. Keep scrolling for beautiful architecture, multicoloured stalls and some new furry friends...

Palace of the Winds

Although I did just write about how the heritage sites were not the highlights of this city - the Palace of the Winds was very impressive (and also features on the front of the Rough Guide to India book - so a pretty prominent tourist attraction).

It was built so the women of the royal household could observe street festivals while unseen from the outside - so is by the side of a fairly main road. For this reason we have no pictures of it from far away, as crossing said road is a life-risking experience.

Me for scale

Monkey Temple

If you follow either myself or Martyn on Instagram, you'll have seen some of our Monkey Temple pictures already. Also if you watched Planet Earth 2! The Monkey Temple is essentially what it says on the tin - a temple around 10 km outside Jaipur that has been taken over by monkeys.

You can buy peanuts and bananas to feed to the monkeys, and Martyn actually  had 2 monkeys jump on his shoulders which I will be eternally jealous of. Though it did seem quite alarming, so perhaps being a spectator was better!

Prepare for a lot of 'awwing' and 'so cute' in the below video.

Markets and Architecture

These are just some pictures we took walking around the various markets and other sites. Jaipur has such beautiful colours, everywhere we looked there was something else to photograph.

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