

Thursday, 13 October 2016

Italian Getaway to Palermo // Sicily

I'm writing this about 3 weeks after getting back whilst wearing trackies, a sweatshirt and a dressing gown as it is now effing freezing in London. Therefore I decided to take a trip down memory lane (about 3 weeks...) to my most recent holiday to Sicily, more specifically the then boiling hot Palermo.

Hopefully this will make you feel a little warmer, now that we have entered the season of dark and cold (which I actually love and would be happier about if I knew how to turn on the heating).


These first pictures are of the city of Palmero itself. Even in the less touristy or fancy areas I was taking photos every time we turned a corner, so these are a select few favourites.


Altavilla Milicia & Cefalù

These are some pictures of the more rural areas we visited. The nature-y ones (plants...pool...more plants...cootie patootie boyfriend) are from the house we stayed at in Atlavilla Milicia.

The GORGEOUS beach shots are all from the same place in Cefalù. Just look at those blues! Makes a change from all this London autumnal grey. Also note the retro rainbow towel...

Lonely Planet: Palermo
Lonely Planet: Cefalù
Our Airbnb in Altavilla Millicia: Torre Normanna

1 comment:

  1. I dream of visiting Italy! Stunning photos, the beach looks gorgeous *sigh* :D xx

    elizabeth ♡ ”Ice Cream” whispers Clara
    (lets follow each other on bloglovin or instagram)
