

Monday, 14 September 2015

Polenta Chips // Recipe

Polenta chips! The cous-cous of the chip world (whatever that means) - potentially thought of as a bit exotic, but actually really easy to make.

So the bf and I have inadvertently got involved in a sort of vegetarian 'Come Dine with Me' with his married couple besties - where Monday to Thursday one of the 4 of us makes a veggie dish for the team and we have a cute little family dins. The original idea was that it be veggie then if someone fancied some meat, they could add in their own. The bf and I have turned veggie after an enjoyable weekend in Brighton with a couple of amorous vegans (Ross Noble. Lol) and decided, while being vegan would be too hard due to the lack of dairy, potentially the most delicious of food groups, lets give veggie a go (see previous blog post for Brighton hints and tips...apologies for the obvious plug). And actually, since veggie 'Come Dine with Me' started a whole 10 days ago, none of the non-veggies have non-veggied. So no complaints so far!

One side effect has been 'Dinner Guilt' aka the pressure to provide a delicious and imaginative feast, and not just beans on toast. Ulcer inducing for the chef on their day, but delightful for everyone else. And so we come around to the explanation of why I took on the challenge of polenta chips.

This recipe is actually pretty easy, it is just like making oven chips (if they started out as Angel Delight...to be explained later on) - you just need to start it a bit before or even the day before as it needs to be refrigerated for a while.

500g Polenta (I used Dunn's River Cornmeal Fine Polenta)
Parmesan (as much as you like - the best quantity)
Salt and Pepper

  1. Cook the polenta to instructions. Easy biz. I just did all of it and it made enough for 3 grown hungry humans as a side (see pictures as I know portion preferences vary).
  2. Once it starts looking like a thick custard (Angel Delight-esque) and stops being so grainy - add the butter and parmesan, salt and pepper, whatever you fancy.
  3. Once everything’s gone lovely and gooey and melted – pour into a square cake tin/whatever container you have (Tupperware would definitely work if you’re a bit student-y) and put in the fridge till cool. This is the slightly long bit as that could be like 2 hours.
  4. Preheat oven to about 200 degrees and remove your weird polenta cake from fridge. Cut into slices and then chips shapes.
  5. Oil up a baking tray and lay out chips, then oil over some more, If you’re scared of things sticking so you could put some baking paper down if need be.
  6. Baked for 20 – 40 mins, turning once and potentially oiling again if they look dry. Taste test are always necessary and hopefully delicious.

And that’s it! Actually really easy, but needs a bit of pre-planning if you don’t want to wait for like, 2 hours for the polenta to cool. I did mine the day before to avoid being hungry and getting grumpy.

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