

Thursday, 9 July 2015

Carb Free Pizza // Recipe

So I clearly haven't posted for about 100 years on this blog. I started it I was unemployed last year, then got a job and just got into that and stopped. Not a fab excuse for someone who prides themselves on being an excellent multi-tasker, but apparently I have now reached the stage (almost 9 months in...good one hotshot) that I feel like I have the time and energy in the evenings to return.

So for my come back post I have decided to do a post about a recipe I made recently - carb free pizza. This is a really easy recipe and is similar to a lot of recipes that I've seen - they are mostly for cauliflower or courgette pizza crusts, but I was looking for something to make with butternut squash so decided to try it with that instead. Plus butternut squash is delicious. Yum.



Key equipment:
Grease proof paper. Don't use tinfoil as you need the pizza base to slide off easily (I learned this the hard way by not buying any, assuming it would be fine and making it quite difficult for myself)
Potato masher or fork

2 smallish squashes
1 egg
Grated parmesan cheese (as much or little as you like)
1 teaspoon of dried oregano or basil (any Italian herb you want, its very adaptable)
Salt and pepper to taste

Tomato Pizza Sauce (or you make your own, see below...)

Whatever you wish! I chose red onion, courgette, chorizo, red peppers, cheddar cheese, rocket and avocado.

Preheat oven to 180 degrees. This is my 'safe bet' temperature so is what I tend to always go for.

If you're going to make your own sauce, I'd start it first. Basically chop onions and fry in some oil until soft, add tomatoes, carrots, stock and tomato paste. Leave to simmer (probably want to pop the squash on to boil when you get to this stage) until reduced enough to mash or blend into a paste. Season with herbs, salt and pepper to your taste.

Chop up squash into equal cubes and boil till soft. Drain when done then mash with potato masher. Mix in the egg, grated parmesan cheese, dried oregano and salt and pepper. It shouldn't be running.

Line a baking tray with greaseproof paper, sprinkle on a bit of oil and spoon on the mixture. Smush (the technical word for sort of shape with a wooden spoon) into a pizza shape and put in the oven for like, 15 mins/until its crispy round the edges but not burnt. Never burnt. Yuck.

I fried my onions, courgette and chorizo a bit to speed along the process while the base was cooking. Once the base is done, spread on the sauce, add the cooked toppings then sprinkled on the peppers after. Cover with cheese and pop back in the oven. Once the cheese has melted, you're done!

I added some rocket and avocado on the top, plus a sprinkle of oil and some sea salt and pepper - because it made me feel fancy.

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