

Friday, 3 October 2014

The 1975 // Alexandra Palace

Welcome to my blog and thanks (in advance) for reading! I know at this point is looks a bit stark but all good things have to start somewhere? Just harness your inner hipster and rejoice at discovering the next up and coming hilarious and ambiguous 'lifestyle blogger'! (Is it working, am I cool yet?) Or maybe bored individual with too many thoughts and opinions to keep to herself is more accurate.

For my first post I'm going to talk about my recent trip to Alexandra Palace to see The 1975 with my fellow bohemian and fun time gal pal, who shall be known as Attice. After hiking up a rather steep hill, following the parade of male top knots and teenage Matty wannabes (bless) we arrived at Alexandra Palace with time to explore. That place is literally 'a palace' with an amazing interior, exterior and everything in between, the view of our beloved London from atop that hill is GORGEOUS and there's a fucking ice rink man. What fun.

With pint in hand and phones AWAY (more on this later) we spent an enjoyable evening listening to the boys entertain the crowds at the "biggest fucking gig we’ve ever done” (direct quote). Despite being together for 10 years after forming the band at school, the 1975 have only really become big in the last 2 years and oh how well they have done! They are one of those bands where regardless of whether you are listening to their recorded album or are watching them live, you won't be disappointed. They sound as good, if not better in person, and genuinely connect with the crowd (and at one point literally when they pulled a super fan on stage to his shock and hysterical happiness). The whole live show was remarkably smooth, which does not come as a surprise as they seem to have been touring FOREVER.  So it's probably second nature now as I'm pretty sure Mr Healy was the drunkest person there! But apparently this isn't anything unusual and what's cooler than playing your biggest show ever with a wine bottle as an accessory?

One thing that was a bit of a pain was the literal SEA of cellular phones. But why watch a concert live when you can record and watch it back later? I understand people want to have photos and memories but no video will ever be able to recreate the atmosphere of seeing your favourite band in concert. I did take a photo or two but I also spent most of the night wedged in a raised nook in the wall so as to see over said phones so SORRY WALL if I ruined it for you. Point made, I'll be quiet now.

At the end of the show Attice and I left on our merry way, enjoying the attempts of drunk-on-a-school-night teenagers roll back down the hill, screaming for lost friends and shivering in their teeny weeny tops and skinny jeans. I'm not an avid concert goer, I have been to a fair few as well as many festivals, but I was surprised in the change of crowd from my last gig (Frank Turner at Wembley). Maybe it was the genre, the band or the very reasonably priced tickets but the average age of the attendees was a lot younger than I'd expected (and I'm in my early 20's so we're talking mid teens). However this mostly meant though that the bars were always free and while Attice and I danced freely and excitedly at the edge of the crowd everyone around us was paralysed in self conscious teenage stillness, which was hilarious to us (though these weren't the super fans of the front row). All in all, an enjoyable night.

For those of you who don't know who they are here is their YouTube and my favourite song and video combo 'Girls'.

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